The name of the organization shall be "MIT Armenian Society", hereinafter referred to as MITAS.
The purpose of MITAS shall be to:
2.1 Promote understanding of the Armenian culture, history and heritage a) within the organization, and b) within the community
2.2 Enhance interaction among Armenian students at MIT.
2.3 Keep current with news of Armenians locally and internationally.
2.4 Maintain contact and ties with other Armenian Student Organizations and the Armenian community.
2.5 Provide educational services to the Armenian community.
3.1 There shall be two classes of membership:
a) Active members are defined as registered students, faculty and staff currently employed.
b) Associate members are defined as people who are affiliated with active members (i.e. immediate family members, friends and alumni)
3.2 At least fifty percent of the active members must be students.
3.3 All members must pay a membership fee each academic year (fee subject to change). In case a person cannot afford to pay the membership fee, she/he may make a request for exemption to the treasurer. The decision will then be made in the executive officer's meeting.
3.4 Only active members, who have attended at least 50% of the meetings prior to a vote may vote.
4.1 There shall be two types of meetings:
a) General meetings will be open to all members.
b) Executive meetings will be open to the executive only.
4.2 General meetings must be held at least twice a semester.
4.3 At least 50% of the active members must be present for a General meeting.
4.4 General meetings may be called by the President or 20% of the active membership.
4.5 General meetings at which voting is to take place must be called at least two (2) weeks in advance, at which time all the membership must be informed. Any other meeting must be called at least one (1) week in advance.
5.1 Voting can only take place at general meetings or online.
5.2 Only active members may vote or may make a motion. Each active member has one vote.
5.3 A motion requires a simple majority vote in order to pass.
6.1 The officers of the club shall be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. All three officers shall be MIT students, the treasurer shall be an undergraduate student.
6.2 The President shall:
6.2.1 Preside over all meetings of MITAS
6.2.2 Be the official spokesperson of MITAS
6.2.3 Report at the beginning of the academic year on the plan and the proposed budget.
6.2.4 Ensure that the Constitution is followed.
6.2.5 Represent the organization at the Institute Committee meetings.
6.3 The Secretary shall:
6.3.1 Keep records and correspondence up to date
6.3.2 Keep minutes and attendance records at the meetings.
6.3.3 Keep the membership list and update it.
6.3.4 Keep the membership and community informed of upcoming events, meetings, etc.
6.4 The Treasurer shall:
6.4.1 Keep the financial records of MITAS and prepare the budgets for MITAS programs.
6.4.2 Prepare all financial statements for the UA Finboard and any other recognized organization upon request.
6.4.3 Be responsible for funds and reimbursements.
6.5 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers and the chairpersons of current committees.
7.1 Elections are to be held every fall. They are to be called by the President.
7.2 A quorum of 75% of the active members is required for elections.
7.3 Any active member may run for office.
7.4 Voting will be by simple majority.
8.1 In the event that an officer resigns, the Secretary shall take on the duties of that officer and elections will be called for within two to three weeks for that office.
8.2 In the event that the President resigns, the Secretary shall take on the duties of the President. The President shall call elections, to be held within two to three weeks, for the office of Secretary.
8.3 An officer may be removed if she/he has been found negligent in fulfilling her/his duties.
8.4 Removal of an officer requires a meeting called for by at least 10% of the membership, or three members, whichever is greater. In order for the meeting to be called, those calling the meeting must present the executive committee with a petition signed by 50% of the active membership, at which point in time a general meeting must be called.
8.5 At the meeting, both the officer who has been accused of being negligent and a representative of the members who brought forth the petition have the opportunity to present their cases, after which the matter will be put to a vote.
8.6 The outcome of the vote will be decided by majority.
9.1 Any active member who has been an active member for at least two terms may propose an amendment to the constitution.
9.2 Consideration of an amendment requires that a petition,signed by at least 20% of the membership, supporting the amendment be brought forth to the executive committee at which time a meeting date will be set to vote on the proposed amendments.
9.3 A list of the proposed amendments must be made available to each member by the Secretary, at least two weeks prior the meeting at which they are to be voted upon.
9.4 In order for an amendment to be implemented it must be passed with two thirds of the vote.
The Armenian Students Organization of MIT agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities, and its executive commitee. This constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive Commitee to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.